Sunday, December 3, 2006

My first post

Had been thinking to write a blog for quite sometime. As said above, it was more for self satisfaction..providing a kind of vent for my thoughts. Another reason I can think of would be to leave a kind of foot trail for the posterity..Last week I fathered a beautful son(pls expect a seperate posting on that) and it led me to think how would I share things which I am going through now when he grows up..this idea was actually a direct pick from Shekhar Kapoors blog here I am ..with a blog of my own..will try to make it an anthology of my life ..things I enjoy but dont have time to collate..collagiate(thats verb for collage:-)) ..
Folks, welcome to my first ever post..
Its almost midnite here and the little monster is abt to wake up :-)