Tuesday, March 13, 2007

What’s there in a name..!

Shakespeare didn’t have an iota of idea about the importance of a ‘name’ when he wrote the above. Well, no offence meant to the legend but I realize how important it is to have a good name for anything and everything – animate to inanimate objects in today’s politically correct world, well so to speak.
Since the time baby arrived, I was shouldered with the task of finding a good name for him. Just to give a little background here – I was expecting a baby girl all along (oh I am crazy for a baby girl but seems God had different plans) and had thought of several good names, really sweet names but all for a baby girl. Some of them I can recall being Riya, Risha, Aanchal, Kangana, Palak, Mahak, Khushboo and a few more. Now when a baby boy arrived instead, all my calculations went for a toss literally. So there I was – looking real bad for a good name. So how do you define a good name in 21st century(I have to mention this as my own name really belongs to some historical/mythological time you see!) - A good name for me is one which should be short, sweet, easy to pronounce (even in phoren land!) and last but not least – should be unique. A few names which were doing the round but extremely common were Aditya(god knows whats with this name, every second child had this name), Adi, Adwait and many more starting with the letter ‘A’. I didn’t like any of them. So now its almost 3 weeks since the baby’s birth with no good names in sight. Some of them which we could dig out were good but not really good! To mention a few- Rishabh(short, sweet but common place), Yash(very royal but again a little too common), Rajat (an old name), Shourya(unique but little old fashioned) and finally Arjun (there was almost near unanimity for this name but somehow I was not too sure about the fashion quotient of this name when my baby turns say 20- Imagine him with the name Arjunsingh wald Devendrasingh Rathor in 2025 A.D.- infact it might turn out to be a BIG turnoff for all his prospective girl friends!!). Alright , so now its one month now and still no name being finalized.
A few months back I had my life insurance done from a local LIC agent. He is a good person by heart (infact he is the only one who religiously keeps track of all the important dates of my life be it my b’day, anniversary and so on and makes it a point to wish me on all such occasions without fail!). I just happened to run into him when he related a story as to how one of his couple client named Tanuja and Manish named their child ‘Tanish’ which is an interesting combination of their individual names(just like Raveena is derived from Ravi and Veena). I kind of instantly liked the name for some reason. It was short, sweet, unique, easy to pronounce and stylish as well, so basically meeting all my CTQs(that’s Critical to Quality for the uninitiated). I bid him good bye but the name had got etched into my sub conscious. Back at home, I told this name to Sonu and everyone else and after a little bit of canvassing, got a complete unanimity on the name. And so the name game was atlast done with but really had all of us wondering ‘Whats there in a name after all!!’


Unknown said...

loved the way you expatiated it!!!

hey so wat's de name of 'new kid'??

alladin from india said...

good am getting married will preserve this blog for future use :)

alladin from india said...
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